Both Scott and I have written about Minecraft before, but for those still unaware, it is a game currently in alpha that randomly generates a world made out of cubes which can be disassembled and put back together again to create a variety of objects. One person can make a comfortably log cabin or, as in the LotR example, a large number of people on a single server can build entire villages together.

Hobbiton is pleasant and Bree, a relatively small village just East of the Shire, is almost complete. The central road leads through town, passing by the Prancing Pony (a necessary reference to the lore) and a few notable landmarks. Players are also welcome to build a home and farmstead in and around Bree, so long as the one plot of land they build upon does not contradict Tolkien canon or tarnish existing buildings. Those of whom are finished with Bree can contribute to the long road to across Middle-earth, with notable stops along the way to build Rivendell, Moria and, one day a long way off, Mordor itself.
What these players are doing is far more impressive than the recreation of a single-object, like the Starship Enterprise. They are also not creating Middle-earth from a map editor, choosing to recreate the world themselves. They are building history - a fictional history, but an incredibly rich world nonetheless. It is a dual history. When Isengard is finally built, it will be meaningful to those familiar with the fortress and its lore. But it will also be meaningful to those who built it - not the NĂºmenĂ³reans but the individual minecrafters who raised its walls.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
- J.R.R. Tolkien
Good lord. I had not heard of this! Sounds pretty amazing - my experience with Minecraft's multiplayer is all but non-existant, so it's nice to hear that it does everything I'd hope it would.
ReplyDeleteWhat's also cool about this is that it sounds as though the towns are being built in the order in which they were introduced in the books. So, by starting in the Shire and working their way east, the creators are also tracing the narrative of the trilogy! By the time they make it to Mordor, it'll feel about as triumphant as when Sam and Frodo made it in the books. Awesome.
Wow. Again, this reinforces to me that there is a serious lack of good games out there that allow players to just build stuff. I have to wonder if LEGO Universe will scratch the same itch.
ReplyDeleteVery cool.
After reading this, I couldn't help but hunt down the server and beg (well, 'ask politely' is more accurate, but I was prepared to beg) to be allowed in. The server keeps crashing (or perhaps that is my internet), but I managed to walk from Bag End to Bree in a little over 24 game hours. I had this uncanny feeling when I walked over the Brandywine Bridge and I knew *exactly* where I was. This is really quite impressive! Thanks for the heads up :)
ReplyDeleteThey guys building middle-earth sure have a big knowledge about Lord of the rings lore.
ReplyDeleteCome to think about it, Minecraft seems to have the potential to work as a teaching tool. Making students build fictional or historial worlds so they get a better understanting fo such works and look immediately at the rewards. They could build a desert world like in Dune, or build the city of Troy and then burn it down.
Althoug, I guess it would requier alot of time.
For those of you interested the server thread is here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1014&t=59913
ReplyDeleteAnd the website is here: http://www.minecraftmiddleearth.com
Hi I saw this blogpost and was so happy, I am working with many on this server to this day and never thought we would gain recognition, I would like to say now that anyone who wants to join our project should should go ahead and help out, u may become part of our history and legacy. - foreman: Frankis
ReplyDeleteThanks to everyone for the comments. And Frankis: keep doing what you're doing! It's an awesome project.