Wednesday, July 31, 2013

EXP Podcast #235: Love, Hate, and Peculiar Pet Peeves

Image from Giant Bomb
Enclosed, please find one ticket to the Player Haters' Ball. After last week's podcast about the potential benefits of having a strong personality and being outspoken about your opinion (even if it's unpopular), Jorge and I decided to jump up on our soapboxes. We try to keep things pretty positive around here, but sometimes you just have air your grievances. This week, we talk about the things that annoy us, especially those things that everyone else seems to like. Don't worry: things get pretty silly and it's all in good spirit. Sometimes it feels good to talk about what grinds your gears, whether it's a beloved character, a particular genre, or a universally-loved indie darling. Want to get something off your chest? Jump into the comments!

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Show notes:

- Runtime: 35 min 43 sec
- Scott's post about Final Fantasy VII's
- "What We Leave Behind," John Teti's Rogue Legacy review, via The Gameological
- Adam Jensen Does A Safety Dance! (Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
- Music by: Brad Sucks