Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Awesomenauts: Still Awesome After All These Years

Scott and Jorge return to their favorite sidescrolling MOBA game and take the youngsters to school.


  1. Wow, it usually takes me as long to finish one match as it took you to finish two! I'm surprised the second one was such a rout, what with your late start.

    I have been enjoying Awesomenauts pretty casually since it appeared in the Humble Indie Bundle 8. It mitigates a lot of the issues I have with MOBAs, mainly that the roster is small enough that it doesn't take many hours of play to become familiar with all the different attacks, and the 2D platforming is a much more familiar control scheme to me than the usual RTS-style controls.

    The stream was fun to watch, but I'd like to see either both of you playing on a team together, or more discussion about different aspects of the game as you're playing (although I know how hard it is to try to carry on a conversation while playing a game).

  2. Yes, I'll just chalk that up to my amazing skill. It certainly had nothing to do with blind luck... :)

    I like Awesomenauts quite a bit since, as you point out, the MOBA strategy is present without the burden of having to learn dozens of characters and arcane item combinations.

    Look for some more co-op and deeper mechanical discussions in the future!
