Wednesday, February 13, 2019

EXP Podcast #515: Re-Re-Remix

Time is a flat circle and in this timeline, we're playing Resident Evil 2... again. As of today, we'll also be playing Final Fantasy 9 again, which is great because it gives us a JRPG to play while we wait for Final Fantasy 7 - the game that came out before FF9 but whose remake will come out first and may or may not be a significant departure from what the game actually was ORIGINALLY!

Phew... But will Final Fantasy be around in 100 years? You tell us!

- Here's the show's stand-alone feed
- Listen to the podcast in your browser by clicking here, right-click and select "save as link" to download the show in MP3 format, or click play below.

- Runtime: 34 min 14 sec
- Music by Brad Sucks

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